Arduino Uno R3 Light Follower Robot

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Arduino obstacle avoiding light follower robot is a mobile robot which detects the light (such as the light of a flashlight) and follows the light on the travelling path.

The robot detects the obstacles in front with its infrared sensor module and continues to move without crashing the obstacles.

The robot is controlled by an Arduino Uno R3.

RS Arduino Uno Shield is used on the robot which contains the input / output headers, on/off switch and a buzzer on it.

L298N motor driver board is used for driving the geared DC motors.

Two light sensor modules are used for tracking the light and a MZ80 infrared sensor is used for obstacle detection.

Robot chassis is prepared with 3 mm thick plexiglass material.

The robot has two 6 V 100 rpm geared DC motors, two wheels and a caster ball wheel.

Arduino obstacle avoiding light follower robot is powered by a 9 V alkaline battery.

Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Light Follower Robot Video

Arduino Uno R3 Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Light Follower Robot Arduino Infrared Obstacle Detection Sensor